Connecting with a deeper purpose

In business or life, whatever we do, needs to be associated with a bigger purpose or the greater good for humanity. When we serve from a pure service mindset, and, intend to provide someone what they truly deserve, the universe bestows us with more power, more resources ,and opportunities to extend such services to even more people. It is upon us to decide whether we will lose our tempo, passion, and commitment towards our work, or will we continue and further strengthen the said service beyond our current outreach?
Providing knowledge ,or training someone for the greater purpose of their intellectual development ,is one of the oldest and noblest deeds there is , and will be for any human being. But, unfortunately, the current scenario of digital, on-the-air platforms, or service model businesses, tend to focus on other things :
- How can we sell viral content ,or course, whether or not that makes an individual better or not?
- How can we lure an audience into exciting marketing communication or advertisement?
- How can we monetize our service and add more and more channels of revenue?
House of Great Learning Pvt Ltd, the firm behind the Drops Audio learning app, has no plan that is purely driven by the capitalistic agenda of running a business. That said, we do charge our consumers for the service we provide, aka the audio courses, we passionately research, create, record, and present, for them. However, we are not interested in just selling anything without providing meaningful knowledge, in depth to our consumers.
With that in mind, the House of Great Learning is formed, and we will go to lengths towards achieving our most important mission on this planet earth
“Help human beings become more intelligent and wiser, thereby pushing the growth of this planet.”
Drops Team, “The Service People”